Thursday, May 29, 2008


blueberry, or This One's for Little Laura

when i was young my
sister had a stuffed mouse
called blueberry

he was grey and felt
like he was filled with rice
rather than stuffing

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

dream #7

dream #7 , or legal tender

a wallet full of
thirty-three dollar bills and
donuts for breakfast

Friday, May 23, 2008


o! or Tears of a Mouse

'made me miss my mouse'
possibly the best phrase that's
ever been typed.

dream #6

dream #6, or 'it's like riding a bike!'

i'm caught up in a
high speed chase on an icy
freeway, when my car

becomes a uni-
cycle. i escape via
ladder to the sky.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


wonderful, or "It's Ebbed and Flowed"

"duder, has your birth-
day gotten any better since
you've hung out with me?"

(there's so much that i
do not say, cause the right words
just don't come my way.)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

ra ra RITTER!

ra ra RITTER! or Good News for Sarah

the Ritter 'joghurt'
package now boasts a "new and
improved flavour!"

but if tasting is
believing, then i'm still too
scared to believe.

may sweeps

may sweeps, or Reoccurring Themes

last night's dream: i
rescue two kittens from a
spin cycle, miss a

college class, and end
up in another steaming-
hot love triangle.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

mr. mister

mr. mister, or Sleeping Diagonally in Bed

he's gone again, so
the only one moaning for
dinner is the cat.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


trapdoor, or Escape Hatch

let me be your trap-
door. you'll emerge from the
sadness into us.

Friday, May 2, 2008


8$, or Cranky At The Key Foods

today's impulse buys:
a panda bar, one beer,
and spanish saffron.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


spy, or Me & My Broken Leg

across the alley
a lady in bell bottoms
just dropped her blinds.